On the very day Tressel said it was in the best interests of his football program that he leave, Sports Illustrated published an investigation that peels back the Teflon coating on the coach's purportedly sterling career.
Except it's not a sterling career, not even close. The SI piece shows that the Senator was a good coach, perhaps even a great one, but not an ethical one, that his image as a godly father figure, though probably true, never got much below his signature vest.
Ohio State, which the Columbus Dispatch says pressured Tressel into resigning (not long, it turns out, after SI let the school know of its findings) now faces a nuclear winter. It can only hope the NCAA leaves a few warheads in the silos.
Given the measure of Tressel's wrongdoings, however, it hard to imagine anything less than a maximum strike.
Glass houses ...
U of Michigan Fans are estatic! Good thing that Butch Davis is innocent of doing anything wrong other that putting his long-time friend John Blake in charge of his program, doing it the Blake way, not the Carolina Way. Now that he is fired, we can move on to the National Championship in 2011-12!
I hope u are kidding.....
9:17, I think that was tongue-in-cheek. Otherwise, it's so laughable it's not worth responding to.
Oh, the Glass House defense, as in Everybody's Doing It?
Except, Anon 7:51: What Tressel gave up to win a few more football games is Greek Tragedy stuff.
No one is saying the SEC is a bunch of lambs, but let's wait until an SEC school gets caught as nakedly in the act before we look for comparisons.
By the way, based on what's appearing in the Columbus Dispatch and Sports Illustrated, pull up a chair. The dance has just begun at TOSU.
That’s a sad story to lose a long time coach but that’s life, you can’t help the changes every time. The thing they must do is to move on and find another better coach. And focus to the team’s goal.
Hey why no mention of the SEC reference from the SI article?
"Columbus may be north of the Mason-Dixon Line, and Ohio State may be a Big Ten school, but the manner in which the city's inhabitants seek to associate with members of the football team is seen more often in Southeastern Conference towns such as Tuscaloosa and Knoxville."
The lawyer mentioned just wanted to get his name in print! He should stick to health care law.
I don’t know the guy, but from the facts that have come out, he doesn’t seem like a good dude. He let players receive improper benefits, and then lied to the NCAA about it. Now the reports say as many as 40 players were breaking the rules. 40 out of what? 80 players? That’s half of the team. Now i know that OSU is not the only team that breaks the rules, but they got caught, so they got to pay. They should be banned from bowl games for 5 years, and lose scholarships. Also i suspect the terrelle Pryor situation will get ugly.
I shook my head in sadness when I saw Chris Spielman say that, even after all this, he would want his son to play for The Vest. Huh? Do what? Even after finding out that he rigged raffles to get blue-chippers to sign with TOSU in the '80s?
I would like to thank Jim Tressel. He has managed to do the impossible - make Terry Bowden look like an angel. Hell, even Mike DuBose looks good by comparison.
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