Before we get all high and mighty about Ole Miss bringing former Oregon QB Jeremiah Masoli -- and his attendant baggage -- into the fold, a couple of things:
* has already staked out its place in the far corner of the Grove set aside for outrage, injustice and extra ice. "Masoli move latest proof Houston Nutt is a certifably dirty coach" reads the headline over Stewart Mandel's column. (Read it here.) As it happens, sharing space on the SI site is a long piece that paints a more complete picture of Masoli. (Read it here.)

* Ole Miss fans have bigger fish to fight. There's still the pressing matter of settling on a new mascot. I personally am on board with the Hotty and Toddy muppets, but only if they sound like the Swedish Chef: "Flim flam bork bork, Ole Miss bork bork!" (Go here for the official mascot site.)
-- R. Trentham Roberts
All y'all Misipi folks should worry less about what people like SI writers think of you and more on trying to figure out how to win the Egg Bowl - because the winner of the Egg Bowl will finish 6-6 and barely squeak into a bowl game, while the loser joins Tennessee and Vanderbilt as the only SEC schools not going bowling. Good luck to both schools in their efforts to overcome the psychological blows of their 40+ point losses to Auburn.
WAR EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!
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