So go ahead, say anything you want about Herschel Walker's debut in mixed martial arts, and then just take a look at the shape he's in. (Story here).
Sunday, January 31, 2010
The guy is 47 years old
Recruiting, a bottom line
Like most things in life, you get what you pay for. And the escalating cost of recruiting in college football is nothing short of an arms race.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
SEC Recruiting Class: The Lizard King rebuilds his army
Dexter McCluster is the next ...
... Chris Johnson. Or Leon Washington. Or Warrick Dunn. Or Percy Harvin. Or Darren Sproles. Or DeSean Jackson. Scouts and observers at the Senior Bowl have been drooling all week over the former Ole Miss star's speed and ability. Big question, of course, is his size (5-8, 165), but it sure sounds like some teams are telling themselves, "Hey, if he can survive the SEC ..."
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Ivy League raids the SEC ... again
Kent Austin's leaving his job as Ole Miss offensive coordinator to take over as head coach of Cornell. He's replacing Jim Knowles, who's joining the staff at Duke (headed by former Ole Miss coach David Cutcliffe). Completing the Oxford-Ithaca nexus, Knowles himself had been hired away from Ole Miss six years ago.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Terrence Cody expanding his presence at Senior Bowl
Terrence Cody's weight fluctuates as much as the price of gasoline. It hit 3-7-0 on the Senior Bowl scales this week, which remains well below the 8 X half a hunnert he was carrying when he arrived at Alabama. The All-American nose guard supposedly played his senior season at 354.
But something must have happened between the National Championship Game and his trip to Mobile this week. Maybe after Alabama's win over Texas in the Rose Bowl, he visited Disney Land, ran down Mickey Mouse, and swallowed him whole.
Read more about the Big Man's conditioning and his pro prospects. By the way, Nick is still complaining about being clocked in the head with the Gatorade barrel.
MSU recruiting: Pony yes, rented mule no
Just now getting to the goings-on in and around Starkville (UA, UF and UT have sucked all the air and ink out of the room of late; see new poll at right), but anyways ...
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Steve Spurrier's long slow goodnight . . .
This story was part of a two-part analysis of the OBC's steady fall from grace, starting in the NFL and continuing in the NFL Junior, otherwise known as the SEC.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
SEC as in 1, 2, 3
For the Mobile Press Register's highly entertaining numeric breakdown of the 2009 SEC season, punch here.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Another vapor trail out of Knoxville
Despite his tender years, Lane Kiffin obviously had a profound effect on his Tennessee staff. At the very least, the Little One seems to have been a role model on making a classy exit. More here.
ESPN and Texas Tech
ESPN ombudsman Don Ohmeyer takes stock of how the network handled the Mike Leach-Adam James situation in this article. It's an interesting look at how a controversy (and-or a complicated story) is portrayed in words and images, particularly during a live telecast. (Try to imagine, for instance, how next season's announcers will refer to Meyer's health or Kiffin's departure.)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The big cat in the hat
Democracy at work
House Resolution 1007 is now in the books, as the nation's representatives voted Tuesday to recognize Alabama's championship team. (Read it here.)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
About that Tim Tebow TV ad
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Saban gets a statue; Kiffin gets ...
Comings and goings (Not of the coaching variety)
Now that Tennessee has done its Dooley diligence and found itself a head coach, here's a quick look at early draft entries and recruits across the SEC.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Derek Dooley . . . the other orange meat
Well, he may have been the fifth or sixth or whatever choice, but Derek Dooley finally got invited to the SEC Prom.
Vince's boy appears to be the choice for Tennessee's next coach, embodying all the qualities Mike Shula brought to the Alabama job . . . a mediocre resume topped off by a first-class family name.
Read the Knoxville paper for the latest. But an early Expat reaction goes something like this: Dooley appears to have real promise, but he was at least UT's fourth choice. So why the panic? Sure, Tennessee's recruiting class is bleeding away. But does anybody this side of Smoky think a former La. Tech coach (though he was Nick Saban's recruiting director at LSU) with a losing record is going to stop that?
Instead of racing at the speed of light to have a replacement in place, Tennessee should have learned something from its hated rival. Alabama turned to Shula without doing due diligence and learned a painful lesson. After firing him, then watching Rich Rodriguez go back on his word, Tide AD Mal Moore ignored the critics and his hysterical fanbase and took all the time he needed to get his guy. Three years later, Alabama won its 13th national championship under Saban and looks to once again dominate most of its rivals, including Tennessee.
Tennessee, on the other hand, went all in to save a handful of big-name recruits. They're gambling that Dooley will be great. If he isn't, the Vols could lose a lot more than a few blue-chippers. Did athletic director Mike Hamilton really exhaust all big-name possibilities before Dooley? Or does he think he's caught the next great coaching talent as he begins his ascent. Ask Vol fans which door they choose. Hamilton, after all, brought them Lane Kiffin.
In the meantime, the Expats offer a musical interlude, in hopes of cooling the fevered brows of our UT brethren. Or not.
(Sung to Tom Dooley)
Hang down your head, Vince Dooley.
Hang down your head and cry
Hang down your head, Vince Dooley
Your boy's about to die.
Swimmin' upstream to Knoxville
Derek's sposed to save UT
Ain't got a player worth nothin'
They're all headed to USC
Hang down your head, Vince Dooley.
Hang down your head and cry
Hang down your head, Vince Dooley
Your boy's about to die.
Urban's down south just waiting
Knotting up a Gator noose
Saban's riding herd in Bama
Ready to stomp his orange juice.
Pretty boy left last Tuesday
After swearin' he loved you most
Turns out he was lyin'
All he left is burnt orange toast.
First call went to Texas
Next Air Force and Duke
Fat Phil wanted Cutcliffe
Knoxville made him want to puke.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Tennessee inches ever closer to Cutcliffe
That's what the Knoxville News Sentinel is seeing and saying: "Duke head coach David Cutcliffe will be named Tennessee's next head coach barring a last-second snag in negotiations ..." Head on over to GoVolsExtra for the rest.
"The suspense is terrible. I hope it will last."
Oscar Wilde (and later, Willy Wonka) had it right.
Air Force coach Troy Calhoun has called a team meeting in a few hours' time. Rumors abound. Stay tuned.
Update, 3:30: Calhoun's staying.
Update, 5:45: Now we're on the Cutcliffe Watch.
Fulmer releases statement on UT job
Former Tennessee coach Phillip Fulmer (right), whose firing a year ago was handled clumsily by the university, released a statement Thursday about whether he's a candidate to replace Lane Kiffin, who left after a year to coach at Southern Cal (he's not), and makes pretty clear what he thought of Kiffin's year on the job (not much).
The statement, released by CBS College Sports Network, for which Fulmer is a contributor:
“Over the last 24 hours I have been contacted by friends, great fans and media members, and I feel it is important to comment, as a man who loves the University of Tennessee deeply and shares this love with millions of great Volunteer fans and friends.
Recent events have been painful and an embarrassment to all of us who care about UT. I love the University; I am loyal to my alma mater and am ready to help as the University makes one of the most important decisions in the history of our football program. However, to prevent any misunderstanding, I am not seeking to be a candidate for the head coaching position.
I am looking forward to embracing the next coach and have some strong beliefs about the kind of man he should be. He must embrace Tennessee’s culture and traditions, be mature and of good character, and demonstrate integrity and leadership to our young men who desperately want to be shown the way. He must deserve, earn and keep the trust of our young men -- both present and future.
Tennessee football has been successful for so many years because it has been rooted in values and traditions. We can’t take those values for granted – if we do not guard them carefully, we will lose them.”
"No, I can't coach football"
UT watch: Day 2
Now that everyone's had time to take a deep breath (meaning that all the Lane Kiffin piñatas have met their fate), here's some early morning reading:
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
One word says it all
-- UT Athletic Director Mike Hamilton, asked at a news conference how he would describe Lane Kiffin's tenure.
The UT craziness continues...
This from the ESPN Mobile Twitter feed:
BREAKING NEWS: According to Gene Wojciechowski, Tennessee has reached out to Phil Fulmer about potentially returning as head coach.
Yes, that would be the Phil Fulmer they ran out of Knoxville a year ago. You know... Johnny Majors is still alive, right?
-- Tommy
The Kiffin Era and some famous SEC turns of phrases . . .
We'll go to our death bed regretting this blatant exploitation of some famous SEC phrases. But we're cheap, visceral, obvious and lowdown, and in honor of Lane Kiffin, what the heck?
Lane, we hardly knew ye, but that was quite enough
A hot wife will only take you so far in this life . . .
The scene in Knoxville
* Go here for Clay Travis recounting how Kiffin brought his USC ways to Tennessee.
* Bill Plaschke from the L.A. Times: "This is who a true Trojan hires?"
* Gary Willis, father of not-a-Vol-after-all Brandon Willis from Duncan, S.C.: "You can't just follow guys like that. That's not what I'm teaching my son." (More on the state of UT recruiting here and here.) P.S., Willis is now heading to UNC.
* And what of heralded QB prospect Tyler Bray? He's sticking with the Big Orange.
* So we'll start next season with new coaches at Notre Dame, Southern Cal, Florida State and Tennessee, among others. That's a lot of ghosts.
* Early candidate for best Twitter post: "Most secure jobs in US: Charlie Sheen's lawyer and Lane Kiffin's movers."
* Top 10 Kiffin moments, courtesy of the Orlando Sentinel. (Still kinda partial to the "pumping gas" remark.)
* "... personally comporting himself at all times in a manner consistent with good sportsmanship and in accordance with the high moral, ethical, and academic standards of the Athletic Department and the University." Hey, it said so right in his contract. (Also at govolsextra is a "Memorandum of Understanding" for both Monte Kiffin and Ed Orgeron.
* And if you haven't made your way to foxsports, here's a sneak peek:

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Holy you-know-what: Lane Kiffin goes to USC...
That would be the one in Los Angeles, not the one in Columbia. ESPN just reported it.
Monday, January 11, 2010
The play that drove ol' Texas down . . .
Excellent breakdown on a Texas board of the speed option left call that led to Colt McCoy's injury.
The verdict: Less than stellar blocking, but a bad read by Colt McCoy, who apparently has never run this play very well.
So why call it? While you mull, mash here.
Is it Nick or Shrek or both?
Nice column off the Toledo Blade about Nick Saban's first head coaching job. Some stuff won't surprise you. Some of it might.
Read on.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
That's a lot of T's
Tommy Tuberville. Texas Tech. Click here for coverage from the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, whose main headline this morning was "Welcome to Tuberville."
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Insert your own joke here
The championship trophy hoisted by the Crimson Tide will be on display today at a Walmart in Tuscaloosa and then Sunday at one in Gardendale.
Friday, January 8, 2010
The morning after . . .
Not that we smelled a conspiracy -- nobody would accuse Alabama fans of having an us-against-the-world mentality, would they? -- but isn't it interesting how the anti-SEC sentiment began to coagulate in the hours before the Alabama-Texas BCS championship game: For the good of college football, the SEC has to be stopped; the SEC has a built-in advantage in a corrupt and corroded system. This morning, fans who couldn't find Boise State with Mapquest have grabbed the Broncos by the mane and hoisted them into the air as Exhibit I, challenging the legitimacy of another Alabama national title and the concept of last night's one-game showdown between two tradition-bound teams.
That would be four . . .
We can argue about the number of national titles. But this is irrefutable:
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Tonight is for all the SEC
And now a word from the Crimson King

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
'If boosters stop donating to football, they will not start donating to classics departments.'
George Will weighs in on the business of the college game. Go here for the story.
He gotta funny mouth . . .
John Kelso from the Austin paper says the Horns are decided underdog on the 'neck grid. Yeah, right. One problem: He doesn't live in Texas. He lives in Austin. That would be like me writing my Texas/Alabama comparison while floating across the weightlessness room at NASA space camp in Huntsville.
But like most things Kelso, it's fun to read.
More on Alabama's national titles ... with a Charlotte angle
Let's do the math, or should I say the new math, that leads to Alabama's claim of 12 national championships.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Puttin' on the Ritz with a Roll Tide
A quick note about the social festivities leading up to Thursday night's game.
First off, Charlotte's Alabama alumni group is holding a "Hook 'Em and Cook 'Em BBQ" at Mac's in Steele Creek on Wednesday. The gathering was initially slated for Mac's on South Boulevard. But Bama chapter president Chad Champion (Class of '93) says so many crimson carnivores have signed up that the Bevo picking had to be moved to Mac's bigger venue at 2414 Sandy Porter Road. Cost is $12 per, and Mark Packer will be holding forth.
The RSVPs ended Sunday. But if you want to go, and as an SEC Expats insider's special, call Shanna Jarvis at 704-516-4573, or e-mail her at and she'll find a way to squeeze you in.
Thursday night, the alums will gather to watch the game at Bailey's Sports Grille, 8500 Pineville-Matthews Road. A crimson mob is expected, so Champion suggests an early arrival for a good seat.
As to Champion . . . interesting name, and he graduated the year of Alabama's 12th and last national title, the Sugar Bowl shellacking that put the Miami program in a 17-year coma. (Some limited brain activity was detected this season at the U, but the prospects for recovery remain guarded.)
His call on Thursday's game: A 7- to 10-point ballgame, if things go according to plan.
Key word: If. I'll take one point.
-- MG
Monday, January 4, 2010
Meyer vs. 'The Monster'
Good story from the New York Daily News on Urban Meyer's roller-coaster ride of a season.
Good fences make good neighbors . . .
Not that Nick Saban is paranoid or anything. He's just extremely private. So much so that he had a temporary fence built around the team's practice field in California.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
About that bowl showing . . .
Some observations about the SEC's less-than-stellar showing in the bowl games.
Newton to Auburn, Favre to MSU
Junior college QB Cameron Newton picks Auburn, so Mississippi State turns to Dylan Favre.
For the record: SEC 5, ACC 4
SEC wins in '09:
Friday, January 1, 2010
Eric Berry going pro
The SEC loses a good one as the Tennessee safety decides it's time for the NFL, where he's projected as a top-5 pick. One from the highlight reels: