Friday, October 23, 2009

The past is marching on

Ole Miss has shortened a fight song to keep fans from chanting "The South will rise again" at the end of the song.

"From Dixie with Love" (also known as "Slow Dixie") -- a medley of "Dixie" and "Battle Hymn of the Republic" -- is played by the band before and after games. (You can listen to it here.)

"The fact is, the phrase 'The South will rise again" is not part of our tradition or spirit," said new chancellor Dan Jones, who asked band director David Wilson to make the change.

Earlier this month, the student government passed a resolution suggesting the song-ending phrase be changed to "To hell with LSU."

Now that's the spirit.

-- RTR


Anonymous said...

Why wouldn't they end the song with a disparaging remark about Misipi St? Isn't that Misipi's biggest rival?

RTR said...

J, I think it has more to do with the kind of program Ole Miss would like to see itself as, even when the results don't match the aspirations.